We provide professional project and project portfolio management consultancy services, help organizations plan and control projects more efficiently so they are completed on time, with high quality and within a budget.

We are a reliable partner, which will help to fully implement and apply project management tools in your organization or to more effectively use the tools present and receive higher return from investments.

According to the organization’s needs, we select, implement and apply the following advanced project portfolio management tools:
• Project and project portfolio management system Microsoft Project Online and Project Server;
• Enterprise Portfolio Management Solution UMT360.

Our philosophy is „as much as necessary, as little as possible“. Firstly, we analyse the needs of your organization and offer an optimal solution, which suits them. As soon as the organization gets accustomed to using it and reaches a higher PPM maturity level, we implement additional functions. By doing so, we ensure that your investments into PPM tools return as soon as possible, while project management challenges are solved expeditiously and required competence is grown consistently.

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